13.3kW in Kellyville

Our clients home here has all the bells and whistles - underfloor heating, pool, water features and an industrial sized Air Conditioning unit. Prior to installing Solar our client had quarterly Electricity bills in the $750 vicinity, which are now no more! The result our client is getting here has to be mostly put down to efficient energy management - as in utilising the Solar production to offset appliances at times of peak demand. This is managed very simply thru the Solar Analytics monitoring software, which provides live interval data on system production/household consumption. The components used in this system are 36 x 370w Longi panels, a 10kW Fronius inverter and as above, the powerful Solar Analytics monitoring software.


11.8kW in North Kellyville

Our clients here were initially massive consumers of power prior to installing Solar, with quarterly electricity bills in the $1,500 vicinity. In order to maximise savings we need to ensure maximum system production, which has been done here by utilising the North and West facing aspects of the roof. It was a tight fit to get all the panels on within mandatory 300mm clearance zones of the edges, however this was done seemlesly by orienting a few panels in a landscape mount. The components in this system are 32 x 370w Longi panels, a 10kW Fronius inverter and as always the powerful Solar Analytics to keep an eye on it all.


10.7kW in North Kellyville

Our client here were relatively low users of Electricity pre-Solar, with quarterly bills in the $500 vicinity. By fitting a 10.7kW system on the roof, there’s a high likelihood said bills will never be more than double figures ever again. The layout of this system is split between North and East facing aspects, as our design software alerted us to the fact the annual sunlight irradiance on the slightly South-West facing aspect wouldn’t be as much as the East, hence the configuration. The components used in this system are 29 x 370w Longi panels, an 8.2kW Fronius inverter and as always the powerful Solar Analytics monitoring software to keep an eye on it all.


10.2kW in Castle Hill

Our client here initially had an existing 2.5kW system that was past its used by date. Upgrading a system that is not fit for purpose/out of warrant is always a smart move, especially when you improve daily Solar production by a factor of 5 like our client has done here. Quarterly electricity bills before the upgrade were in the $600 vicinity, now they are next to nothing. The components used in this system are 31 x 330w Jinko panels, an 8kW SMA inverter and the ever powerful Solar Analytics monitoring software to keep an eye on proceedings.